Today has been a day full of studying for midterms with a little baking in between. Today I baked my first batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies which turned out better than expected, except for the mess I made! My husband is not loving all the sweets in the house but it's not my fault he doesn't have any will power. I say give up and let the cookies win! I think this year I'm going to do a lot of baking during the holiday season so if you've got a good recipe please email it to me.
Civil Action is actually a really good book!
To me they really don't look very good in the picture but they were delicious! I didn't use the full amount of chocolate chips that the recipe requested because I wanted to watch my calorie intake.... haha Yeah Right, I just didn't have a full 2 cups of C.Cs.

I love to photograph my dining room table... it's so pretty!
I love the iPhone in the pictures of the books :)