Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blessed, Busy & Potty training!

The past couple of weeks have been VERY busy! With my husband back at work, I'm back to the 'single parent' phase of my year. Sophia is still in a potty training stage and it seems that every time I decided to sit down and write it's time for the potty! She is doing well! We skipped the training pants and went straight to the panties and it has been a successful transition! It absolutely crazy how fast see is growing, everyday there is a new discovery, idea, word, and smile that comes out of her!

The joy I see in her just makes us want another child. They are such amazing Blessings that God gives, why wouldn't we want another!

My family and I since January have been going to a new church South Side Baptist Church in Weatherford, tx. and it has absolutely changed our lives. We still haven't committed to becoming members there only for the fact that we know we are going to move and just not sure if we will be able to make the drive back and forth every Sunday and Wednesday, But I would give anything to become a member there! I have learned there that the real secret to living a separated life is that God crowds out of our lives everything that should be in our lives. As Christ increases, the other things decrease. The church has put a fire in us to learn and grow in Christ. I feel like he broke things up in my life to cause me to seek Him, and I absolutely did! Sophia has learned so much from us because of what we have learn from them, and that is one of the greatest blessings God has ever given me.

Be A Blessing...

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